Volunteer Type

  • Canvassers: Canvassers go door-to-door in neighbourhoods to engage with voters, distribute campaign materials, and collect data. They need to be friendly, persuasive, and knowledgeable about the candidate's platform.
  • Local Ward Co-ordinators: looks after leafletting and canvassing for their specific Ward area, co-ordinate other volunteers ensuring they have the literature, permission slips and canvas data.  Collate the findings and return it all to central office.
  • Content Writers: Volunteers who can write blog posts, op-eds, and other content can help articulate the candidate’s campaign message and the Party’s wider messaging effectively.
  • Data Entry and Analysis: Campaigns generate a lot of data, from voter registration lists to polling data. Volunteers who are skilled in data entry and analysis can help manage and interpret this information to inform campaign strategy.
  • Event Organisers: Campaigns often host rallies, town halls, fundraisers, and other events. Event organisers help plan, promote, and execute these events, ensuring they run smoothly.
  • Fundraisers: Fundraising is a critical component of political campaign. Volunteers can help organise fundraising events, reach out to donors, and liaise with candidate’s agents.
  • Leafletting: Go door-to-door in neighbourhoods to drop off campaign materials. They also offer and give out the materials to passer-byes in busy areas. They need to be friendly, persuasive, and knowledgeable about the candidate's platform.
  • Social Media Ambassadors: Social media is a crucial platform for reaching voters. Volunteers with social media expertise can help share social media content, connect with celebs, groups, commentators who align with our vision, policies, and campaigns as well as engaging with followers, people who respond to Party content. Gina and other candidate's posts – positive and negative

Women deserve better: Economic, social, health and political crisis disproportionally affect women and women across the UK are being let down by the main politics parties. True & Fair believes in championing issues that matter most to women and their families and we are keen to hear from women who can help to engage with other women and increase the number of women who vote.

Youth outreach: In politics, where law and policies affect every aspect of all of our lives, young people must not be absent or silent. True & Fair is looking for young people who can engage with other youths, increase the number of young people who vote and drive the journey to a more hopeful, caring, and fairer tomorrow.